- GSoC 2025
- New release: Brian 2.8.0
- New releases: Brian 2.7.0 and 2.7.1
- New release: Brian 2.6
- GSoC 2024
- Brian receives the French Open Science Free Research Software Award
- Recommendations for GSoC 2023 applications
- CNS 2022 satellite tutorial on Brian (June 30th)
- Recommendations for GSoC 2022 applications
- New release: Brian 2.5
- Bug hunt episode 2: a strange file appears
- Bug hunt episode 1: Broken LaTeX output for equations
- Live session on Brian development
- Getting the timing right (scheduling 2)
- New release: Brian 2.4
- Getting the timing right (scheduling 1)
- New Brian community forum
- Brian online tutorial
- Making use of Python: threshold finding with bisection
- Non-standard neuron modelling: smooth pursuit eye movements
- Non-standard neuron modelling: the pyloric network
- Notes on Notebooks
- GSoC 2020: work on Brian during the summer
- Brian2GeNN paper published: accelerate Brian simulations with GPUs
- New release: Brian 2.3
- Paper on Brian 2 published in eLife
- Brian 2.2
- Brian 2.1.3
- Brian 1.4.4 (maintenance release)
- Brian 2.1.2 and Brian2GeNN 1.1.5
- Brian 2.1 and Brian2GeNN 1.1
- Brian2GeNN 1.0
- Brian 2.0.2
- Brian 2.0.1
- Brian 2.0
- Brian 2.0rc3
- First release of brian2tools
- Brian 2.0 release candidate
- Brian tutorial at CNS 2015
- Brian 2.0 fourth beta release
- Brian 2.0 second beta release
- Google Summer of Code 2015
- Brian 2.0 beta release
- Brian tutorial at CNS 2014
- New alpha version of Brian 2
- New Brian paper: Equation-oriented specification of neural models for simulations
- Yet another alpha version of Brian 2.0
- New alpha version of Brian 2.0
- Brian 2.0 alpha release
- Brian tutorial at CNS 2013
- New book on IPython
- Brian 1.4.1
- Brian 1.4 is out!
- Better sparse matrix support
- About the new website
- Brian 1.3.1
- The Brian Twister
- Brian survey
- New paper on Brian Hears
- New paper on Playdoh
- Brian second most popular simulator
- New Brian showcase
- Brian 1.3
- Brian paper amongst most cited in Frontiers
- New paper on vectorised algorithms
- New paper on code generation
- Brian 1.2.1
- Brian tutorial slides
- Brian tutorial at Telluride
- Building sparse connections
- Code generation
- Sharing numpy arrays between processes
- Brian 1.2
- Bug advisory: multiple clocks
- Bug advisory: connections from subgroups with delays
- New SVN
- Real time plotting
- Brian 1.1.3
- Brian at NeuroComp
- Brian at CNS
- Brian is in PyNN
- Linked variables
- RecentStateMonitor
- TimedArray
- Upcoming features
- The idea
- Brian’s new website
- Brian 1.1.2